Monday, May 21, 2012

Eco Monday: tropAcool

As I continue my Eco Monday series, I'm finding that I am indeed a lucky person to have met so many interesting people who also love upcycling! Laura Fischler is one of those people. Laura's company, tropAcool, caught my eye a while back because the world we live in and taking care of it is of primary importance to her.

Her Hauling Ass Bags are what I first noticed. I mean, how can you not notice a name like that? Superb! Laura's design aesthetic is awesome and her upcycling of materials and fabrics is crazy creative.

Here's one of her Hauling Ass Bags. Can you believe this was once a pair of cargo shorts?

Upcycled Army Green Cargo Tote Palm Trees Recycled Reconstructed Clothing Eco Friendly

And this Messenger Bag is stunning with the appliques. A work of upcycled art, for sure!

Appliqued Recycled Blue Jeans Messenger Bag Upcycled Denim 

Enjoy browsing! I'm sure you'll find something that you can't live without!

Find tropAcool here:
Shop tropAcool
tropAcool on Facebook


  1. Thank you so much Tina!

  2. SO awesome! I love Laura's work too and love even more that she always repurposes materials and makes them into something wonderful.


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