Thursday, August 4, 2011

Emmy Swag Gifts on Their Way!

Ok, YAY! I got the Emmy swag gifts off to CA! Now I'm completely obsessed with tracking the box across the country. It should arrive next Tuesday, and I know it's left PA.

So this is how the wristlets wound up being packaged. I used VHS tape as ribbon and kept it simple (cause I like simple).

And just in case you didn't see it before, here is my display piece. A great little plarn purse.

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am!


  1. :) YEAAA! Can we do the "it's mailed" happy dance together?

  2. Yaaay! They are on their way. They look so classy!
    Have fun tracking 'em.

  3. Thanks!
    Happy dancing with Ashley!

  4. You go girl! The packaging is lovely! Need more plarn?? lol

  5. Lu! Yes, I need more plarn! Always. LOL


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